A pretty girl holding magnesium supplement

Health Benefits of magnesium supplements


A magnesium supplement is a basic mineral that plays a basic role in completely distinctive physiological capacities within the human body. Here are numerous of the thriving benefits related to magnesium: Magnesium is a chemical element; it has the symbol Mg and the atomic number 12. It is a shiny gray metal with a low density, a low melting point, and high chemical reactivity. Like the other alkaline earth metals, the health benefits of magnesium supplements occur naturally only in combination with other elements, and it almost always has an oxidation state of +2.


Muscle Work:

Magnesium is really important for muscles to work properly. It helps muscles relax and contract. It can prevent muscle cramps and spasms. That’s why athletes often take magnesium to improve their performance and recover faster.

Bone Health:

Your skeleton does a lot of work to keep you healthy. It helps you stand up straight and move around. Plus, it holds onto important minerals and other things your body needs to stay in good shape. So, it’s like your body’s strong support system, making sure everything stays in balance. Scientists usually talk a lot about how important calcium is for bones. But guess what? Magnesium is also super important for making your bones strong and healthy.

Cardiovascular health

Your body needs magnesium to keep your muscles healthy, even your heart! Studies show that magnesium is really important for keeping your heart strong and healthy. It helps control blood pressure, keeps your heart beating steadily, and helps prevent heart disease. It does more than just widen blood vessels, too.

Imperativeness Period:

Magnesium is included in the body’s essentiality period shapes, checking the incitation of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the essentiality of cells. This will offer assistance in combating fatigue and making strides in common essentialness levels.

Questionable Framework Strengthening:

Magnesium acts as a conventional relaxant for the on-edge system, making a differentiation to assist in amplifying uneasiness. It additionally plays a part in neurotransmitter work, contributing to manner control.


For people with type 2 diabetes, not having enough magnesium can be a problem. Magnesium helps control insulin and moves sugar from the blood into cells for storage. So, if there’s not enough magnesium, it might make the diabetes worse.

Stomach-related Success:

Magnesium has a delicate purgative influence and can offer assistance and anticipate obstacles. It reinforces the smooth functioning of muscles within the stomach-related tract.

Anti-Inflammatory Impacts:

Magnesium can reduce swelling and pain, which can be helpful if you have conditions like joint pain that cause long-lasting inflammation.

Cerebral torment:

A few consider proposing that magnesium supplementation may offer assistance to keep up a vital removal from or lessen the rehash and concentration of cerebral torments.


Magnesium helps you sleep better by making you feel relaxed and increasing melatonin, which controls when you sleep and wake up. But remember, while magnesium is good for you in many ways, having too much can cause problems.

Pregnancy Back:

Magnesium is really important for a healthy pregnancy. It helps bones grow well, and not having enough magnesium during pregnancy can cause problems.

Heading of Calcium Levels:

Magnesium and calcium work together to keep your body balanced. While calcium helps muscles tighten, magnesium helps them relax properly. This balance is important for your muscles and nerves to work well together.

Respiratory Thriving:

Magnesium may have a productive influence on respiratory success. It can offer assistance in releasing the bronchial muscles and may be beneficial in supervising conditions such as asthma.


Magnesium plays a part in the body’s detoxification, supporting the work of chemicals that hurt. This will contribute to thriving and well-being.

Neurological Success:

Magnesium can protect your nerves and might help lower the risk of diseases that damage the brain. It helps keep your nerves working well and could help with thinking and memory.

Safe System Back:

Magnesium is significant for the right functioning of the secure framework. It contributes to the formation and action of secure cells, making the body secure against contamination.

Two women enjoying magnesium supplement

Control of Blood Clotting:

Magnesium helps control the factors that make blood clots, preventing clots from forming when they’re not supposed to. This is good for your heart because it lowers the risk of having dangerous blood clots.

Kidney Thriving:

Magnesium plays a part in keeping a vital system separate from the course of activity of kidney stones by binding to oxalate, a substance that can contribute to the advancement of stones.

Electrolyte Alter:

Magnesium is a super important electrolyte in your body, just like sodium, potassium, and calcium. It helps balance and maintain the levels of electrolytes, which are needed for cells to work properly, control fluids, and send signals between nerves.

Adding foods rich in magnesium to your meals, keeping a balanced diet, and eating less processed foods are the best ways to make sure you’re getting enough magnesium. But if you think you need more magnesium or have health issues, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance.

Anti-Anxiety Properties:

Magnesium has been connected to the heading of neurotransmitters included in manner, and a couple of considers propose that it may have a calming influence, conceivably making a refinement to reduce side impacts of uneasiness.

Eye Success:

Magnesium helps keep your eyes healthy by supporting the optic nerve and preventing problems like glaucoma. It’s like a shield that protects your eyesight.

Asthma Organization:

Several studies show that magnesium may offer assistance in the organization of asthma signs. It can act as a bronchodilator, contrasting the release of the flying course muscles.

Anti-Aging Benefits:

Magnesium’s portion of cellular work and energy time contribute to expansive cellular success. This may have proposals for abating down the creating arrangement and progressing life span.

Balanced Hormones:

Magnesium plays a part in the control of diverse hormones inside the body, including those included in the extended response, assimilation framework, and regenerative success.

Wound Repairing:

Magnesium is part of the body’s natural healing process, aiding collagen production, which is crucial for wound healing.

Moved forward cognitive work:

Adequate magnesium levels may improve cognitive function and potentially reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

Lessened Chance of Metabolic Clutter:

Magnesium affirmations have been at that point once more related to the hazard of metabolic clutter, a cluster of conditions that includes corpulence, tall blood weight, and offended resistance.

Anti-inflammatory in Joint Torment:

Magnesium’s anti-inflammatory properties can benefit individuals with inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Optimal body temperature:

Magnesium helps regulate body temperature by influencing the activity of enzymes involved in heat production and dissipation.

Prevention of Premature Aging:

Magnesium’s involvement in cellular processes and antioxidant defenses may contribute to preventing premature aging, including the development of wrinkles and fine lines.

Support for Gastrointestinal Disorders:

Magnesium may provide relief for certain gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), due to its muscle-relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Magnesium

To keep your body healthy and do important tasks, you need a steady amount of magnesium. For those who don’t get enough magnesium from their food, taking supplements can be helpful. It’s been found that taking more magnesium through supplements can have some good effects.

A lady preparing Magnesium filled juice in kitchen

Amplify Organization:

Magnesium is sometimes called the “anti-stress” mineral because it helps calm down your nervous system. It can help reduce the bad effects that stress has on your body.

It’s important to know that how much magnesium a person needs can vary. Things like age, gender, health conditions, and medications can affect how much magnesium your body needs. While magnesium pills can be helpful for many people, it’s important to be careful and talk to a healthcare provider before taking too much.

Magnesium is a really useful mineral that can help your body in many ways. Both your brain and your body’s insides need to work well. Eating a balanced diet with lots of foods that have magnesium in them is key to staying healthy and feeling good.

Magnesium foods

Here are some food sources rich in magnesium (35 trusted sources):

  • Pumpkin seeds: 37% of the DV per ounce (28 grams)
  • Chia seeds: 26% of the DV per ounce (28 grams)
  • Spinach, boiled: 19% of the DV per 1/2 cup (90 grams)
  • Almonds: 19% of the DV per ounce (28 grams)
  • Cashews: 18% of the DV per ounce (28 grams)
  • Black beans, cooked: 14% of the DV per 1/2 cup (86 grams)
  • Edamame, cooked: 12% of the DV per 1/2 cup (78 grams)
  • Peanut butter: 12% of the DV per 2 tablespoons (32 grams)
  • Brown rice, cooked: 10% of the DV per 1/2 cup (100 grams)
  • Salmon, cooked: 6% of the DV per 3 ounces (85 grams)
  • Halibut, cooked: 6% of the DV per 3 ounces (85 grams)
  • Avocado: 5% of the DV per 1/2 cup (75 grams)

Magnesium: Deficiency signs and symptoms

Muscle crampsSudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain lead to convulsions or fits.
FatiguePersistent tiredness or lack of energy despite adequate rest.
WeaknessReduced strength or power in muscles, leading to difficulty in performing everyday tasks.
Irregular heartbeatUncontrollable spasms or contractions in the muscles, often occur during physical activity.
Nausea and vomitingAbnormal rhythm or palpitations in the heart, potentially lead to serious cardiac issues.
Loss of appetiteDecreased desire to eat, resulting in reduced food intake.
Tingling and numbnessSensations of pins and needles or a lack of feeling in extremities such as hands and feet.
Personality changesMood swings, irritability, or heightened anxiety and stress levels.
SeizuresLow levels of calcium in the blood, potentially cause muscle spasms and brittle bones.
HypocalcemiaLow levels of calcium in the blood, potentially causing muscle spasms and brittle bones.
It’s important to note that these symptoms may vary in severity depending on the extent of the deficiency and individual differences. Always consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Magnesium supplements offer various health benefits, including supporting muscle and nerve function, bone health, heart health, energy production, mood regulation, blood sugar control, migraine prevention, and sleep improvement. However, it’s important to be aware of potential risks, such as digestive issues, kidney function concerns, medication interactions, and magnesium toxicity. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting supplementation is advisable to ensure safety and efficacy based on individual health needs.


Is it good to take magnesium every day?

Dr. Nassar mentions that while the advantages of taking magnesium supplements for healthy individuals aren’t fully understood, it’s generally considered safe to take a magnesium supplement daily for most people. However, it is critical to limit magnesium intake. For most adults, the recommended maximum amount is around 400 mg or less per day.

What are the benefits of magnesium in the body?

Magnesium plays crucial roles in the body’s energy production processes, like oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis. It also helps in building strong bones and is essential for creating DNA, RNA, and the antioxidant glutathione.

What are the 3 deficiency symptoms of magnesium?

Reduced desire to eat.

Tiredness and lack of strength.

Muscle cramps or shaky movements.

Irregular heartbeats.

Which type of magnesium is best?

Magnesium glycinate is a type of magnesium supplement that is easily absorbed by the body. It’s created by combining magnesium with the amino acid glycinate. This form of magnesium is efficient in addressing low levels of magnesium in the body, and it’s generally well-tolerated. Compared to other forms like magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate, magnesium glycinate is less likely to cause stomach problems.